Anne Holmes
Birth date:
BET 1695 AND DEC 19
Birth place:
King Queen, , Virginia, United States
Death date:
  BET 1736 AND MAR 11
Death place:
  , Louisa, Virginia, United States

Holmes Family

Father: George Holmes
Mother: Anne Reade
Anne Holmes
Anne Holmes
Priscilla Hooms Holmes
Priscilla Holmes
Priscilla Hoomes
Anne Holmes
Anne Holmes
Anne Holmes
David Meriwether
David Meriwether
Nicholas Meriwether
Elizabeth Meriwether
Nicholas Hunter Meriwether
Sarah Meriwether
Elizabeth M. Cason
Jane Meriwether
William Smith
Francis Merriwether
Elizabeth Meriwether
Ann Meriwether
Mary Meriwether
Nicholas Meriwether
Thomas Meriwether
Nicholas Meriwether
William Meriwether
Sarah Meriwether
Matilda Lewis Meriwether