Start Now for Free! Explore the world's largest family tree and start growing your own!


OneGreatFamily is a single, shared family
tree built by people all over the world.

The OneGreatFamily Tree is a powerful genealogy database that is shared and built by people like you from all over the world. Everyone's genealogy ties into the OneGreatFamily Tree.


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Adding names to your tree is simple and fast. Either manually enter them, or import a GedCom file.

Input or import as much of your family tree as you have.
OneGreatFamily will store your data on our secure servers and regularly back it up. As a result, you don't have to worry about your computer getting a virus or having hardware failure. This is a great way to easily share your family tree free of charge.

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When new connections are found to your tree, you will be notified and able to access them immediately.

Our system continuously searches every name in your family tree for new connections.
OneGreatFamily’s automated search engine continually looks for additional information and relatives for every one of your ancestors at the same time. You will be notified by email when new information is available for your family tree.

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Genealogy Browser allows you to quickly scan your entire pedigree or get detailed information.

Explore and discover your family heritage.
OneGreatFamily lets you see your entire family tree at one time. You can zoom in or out to view any portion in more detail. Your family tree will continue to grow over time because people like you, from over 170 countries, submit new names, pictures, biographies, and video clips every day.

Visit our Genealogy Browser Tutorials for more detailed information about Genealogy Browser.
What else can I do at OneGreatFamily?
  • Discover what has been done on your family tree already
  • Start researching where others left off
  • Meet and collaborate with family
  • Search millions of names
  • See your entire pedigree at once
  • View and edit your data from just about anywhere
  • Automatically find your ancestors
  • Safeguard your data from computer failures
  • Connect you to the original online family tree
< Mouse over the text on the left for more details


Ancestor Search

Enter Ancestor's Last Name:
genealogy family tree
See what information we have in our database of over 190 million unique entries.

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“A Great Source of Enjoyment For Our Family”
“When I first started, I didn't even know my great-grandparents' names. Thanks to OneGreatFamily, I actually have one of my lines running back thousands of years. It has been a GREAT source of enjoyment to my family (who was not at all interested before!) and me.”
“We went from a few hundred over 10,000”
“We have had fabulous experiences with We went from a few hundred people in our PAF program to over 10,000 each in Thanks. ”
—Mark & Betty Stilwell
“The best thing...adds data automatically to your tree”
"I just want to say how thrilled I have been with my experience at OneGreatFamily. The best thing is that the search program runs continuously and adds data automatically to your tree."
—Joe Cercy
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